Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Just Can’t Stay Away…

Guess what?!

I’m back!

It’s been 10 months since I stopped blogging on my newlywed blog. At the time I thought I was done with the whole blogging thing for good. I had posted on and off for two and a half years and I was tired of coming up with interesting topics, writing, and feeling guilty when I put off posting for too long.

But the truth is, I really miss it. I liked having a written account of my life that I could look back on in the future. So here I am, back to blogging again.

When I wrote my last post on The First-Year Wife I was 20 weeks pregnant and had just found out we were having a boy.


Our sweet baby, Easton Joseph, was born January 16th, exactly one week late (which made his mama crazy at the time!).


I may be biased, but I think he’s absolutely gorgeous!  Easton has red hair like his daddy… in fact, he looks pretty much like a miniature version of Joe!


1 Week Old

E is already 5 months old now! I can’t believe he has been here so long. Yet in these 5 months he has wormed his way so deep into our hearts! He is such a sweet boy with a huge personality!

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I could promise you that this won’t turn into a blog about my baby, but the truth is it probably will.  I want to use this blog to record my days with Easton along with all of his milestones and my life as a stay-at-home mom (which is an unexpected blessing that I will blog about in the future!) I would like to have a record of the first 5 months of our lives together on here as well, so I am planning to dedicate the next several weeks to catch up on what we’ve been doing. (In other words, don’t be alarmed when Easton seems to age rapidly in pictures over the coming weeks!)

6-16-12 (16)

I’m not sure how frequent my posting will be this time around… I’m just going to play it by ear. But I’ve missed being a part of the blogging world and I’m so excited to start it up again!

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